Mark task for revision #
When you have finished editing a task you can send it to another user(s) to be reviewed. In order to do that use the status dropdown on the subheader, choose Ready for Review and select which users you would like to review your task.
Review Board #
In Review Board you will find all of the tasks assigned to you for revision organized into three columns Pending Review, Review In Progress, and Reviewed. Cards represent a media item and inside you will find a list of the tasks assigned to it. If a media item has tasks that have different status a media item card will appear in each column to represent it. To filter this page you can use the selectors in the subheader.
Review a task #
plain X allows you to review tasks in two different ways. Either make changes yourself or leave comments to the editor so that he can improve upon his work. Once the revision is finished you can use the status dropdown on the subheader to either mark the task as Done or send it back to the Editor.