Create folders #
Open Settings – Workspace and choose Folders. Click Create folder and fill out the form. A folder is a place to store your media, you can choose to have it be private or public.
Share and remove media items #
A media item can be shared between folders inside a workspace. In order to do this open Library, choose a media item and click . After that choose which action you want to perform (depending on the repositories you have and the media item is part of the next steps may vary).
You can also perform this changes in the media item modal by clicking and following the previous step.
Setup service provider defaults #
There are two ways to setup service provider defaults, one will only affect your account1 and the other with affect the whole workspace2.
1 In Settings – Personal under the type of task group select Add default and choose the options according to your preferences. You can add one default for each language.
2 In Settings – Workspace select Defaults and under the type of task group select Add default and choose the options according to your preferences. You can add one default for each language.
Create default subtitling templates #
In Settings – Workspace select Templates, click Create template and fill out the form with your desired style.
You can define one default template per video format, to do this click next to the template name.