General #
plain X allows you to keep track of your work by using kanban style boards.
Personal Board #
Open Personal Board to see all the tasks assigned to you organized into four columns To do, Doing, Being Reviewed and Done. Cards represent a media item and inside you will find a list of the tasks assigned to it. If a media item has tasks that have different status a media item card will appear in each column to represent it. To filter this page you can use the selectors in the subheader.
Shared Board #
Open Shared Board to see all the tasks that exist in the workspace you are currently on organized into four columns To do, Doing, Being Reviewed and Done. Cards represent a media item and inside you will find a list of the tasks assigned to it. If a media item has tasks that have different status a media item card will appear in each column to represent it. To filter this page you can use the selectors in the subheader.
Create task in existing media item #
There are two ways to create a task in an existing media item. One through the Library1 and other through the Personal Board and Shared Board2.
1 Open Library, click on a media item and then, in the bottom of the media item modal click Add task.
2 Open Personal Board or Shared Board, and click Add task button on the media item card.
Delete task #
A task can be deleted in the media item card1 or the media item modal2.
1 Open Personal Board or the Shared Board, clickand choose Delete.
2 Open a media item modal from anywhere you find the media item name (Library, boards, Recent or header breadcrumbs). After opening it next to the task you want to delete clickand choose Delete.
Troubleshoot task #
plain X might have run in to an error while running your task, if this is the case you can try to delete and create a new task or click and send a report to our support team.